Module 2 - chat task

Task Option 3 – Other Chat Options:

I Joined Yahoo Chat. Downloaded it and went through the process of identifying myself, waited for a confirmation email which I was required to reply to in order to start my Yahoo Chatting.

I went to the Yahoo Group Page and searched for NET11. A listing was found for this group which was created 4 years ago. I clicked on this group and there was 1 post from a fellow student. I replied to this post and advised “ I will try and recruit more follow students”.

I went to the Website NING (Social networking) and then to Curtin Students Network group. Searched for the groups I had joined and posted a message to the NET11 group asking them to join Yahoo Chat NET11 group also.

I like to chat, unfortunately if no one is available for an online chat, then what do you do?

All employees at my work have Yahoo chat preinstalled for them upon commencing employment. You receive your special Login and password. There is a Yahoo Guideline that must be adhered to at our place of employment, we all read and sign the document upon commencing employment, and it covers such topics as what is suitable for chat and what is not. The whole idea of having yahoo installed was to ensure that all phone lines and extension are free for incoming calls. I do enjoy this method at work, rather than having to open my outlook express every 5 minutes to answer someone’s work related question.

When at home, I do not prefer to chat online. I do actually like to use my telephone as this is hands free and I the freedom to carryout home duties whilst still having a conversation.

GROUP TASK – All Student:
Personally, I prefer Yahoo chat as opposed to Blackboard chat. Yahoo automatically opens up when I am online, unless I want to show myself as “offline”. It cuts out so much time for me, as I don’t have to open up WebPages and login etc.With regards to the blackboard chat, I found out that when the Flecs Blackboard was down for system maintenance I could not carry out any chat, luckily I had joined previous chat groups and discussion groups prior to this happening.

Other Students Comments on Chat:-
Most students seemed to use MSN or hotmail as their preference of chatting or email list.

Email Lists

Pros- Selection or invitation to receive emails;

Cons- Exclusion – if you are not on the mailing list, you cannot be included in or cc. on emails.

Discussion Groups

Pros-Pickup Topics or conversations anytime; No Exclsuion;
Cons- People commenting on or “interrupting” in conversations which they are not fully understanding;


Johnson, C. (2009). Curtin Internet Students. Retrieved June 22, 2009, from NING: