"Top Five Tips For New Bloggers"

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As a 1st time user, I have listed my Top Five Tips:-
  1. LAYOUT- Do not limit yourself to the 1st Blog Site or Layout you come across. Try a few Sites and have a practice run at a few different layouts to see which one suits your needs and likes.
  2. PROFILE- Create your profile. Keeping it "Short and Simple". Your profile is to show an overview about yourself, your likes or dislikes etc.
  3. INTERESTING- Think outside the Box or "Layout" when creating your blog. The person/s viewing your blog does want to be "Bored to Death". Do not over compensate by adding every Gadget available as this will make your layout look very "BUSY".
  4. UPDATE- Keep your blog updated regularly. Although your blog is supposed to act like a diary, there is no need to record every piece of information into your blog. Try to enter significant entries not ones which others might find "Boring".
  5. SHARING- Advise your fellow students, family and friends that your Blog is up and running. Invite them to view it, and add posts and make comments and or suggestions.. Remember if someone has read your blog, be polite and do the same.