Module 5: : Info-Communication Concepts


How might the metaphor of an ‘ecology’ impact on the way you think about, understand or use the internet?

How might the metaphor of an ‘ecology’ impact on the way you think about, understand or use the internet?

I do believe the metaphor ‘ecology’ refers to the interaction between species together with the growth and transformation of these species. When referring to the internet and the way in which ecology comes into effect, this could be found in the way in which we receive, perceive and use the internet. As the user’s knowledge and wants transform and proceed to grow so does the internet, as they are both reliant on one another. For the internet to continuously grow and reshape it requires the user to also grow and reshape and form ideas.

This reshaping and growth can be found in knowledge which is sort through information. The more knowledge and information we have, the more we want, this is human nature.

How are the concepts ‘information’ and ‘communication’ understood within the framework of an ‘information ecology’?

Information ecology consists of users and their values, perspectives and technology and the way in which these factors interact with each other.

As humans’ want and needs constantly reshape so to should the internet and therefore, the information we receive should constantly change also. Information refers to knowledge and the ever changing way in which we seek and store this sort after knowledge whereas communication refers to the way in which we interact with computers each other. There is no point having a fantastic website but no visitors due to the lack of communicating the presence and content of the website. It is essential for the user to be able to retrieve information effectively as well as communicate effectively.

Why don’t we talk of a ‘communication ecology’?

Ecology refers to change and interaction, therefore you cannot make reference to ‘communication ecology’ as communication is not a single entity. Communication involves the interaction from other entities such as human or technological.